Friday 31 August 2012

The Lake in Dusk(dungeon)

The Lake in Dusk is located at (49,21) of Green Despair. You must have a sheet-like dungeon entry
called "map part" and at least level _ to be able to enter in there. Once the dungeon was cleared,for the first time, an achievement tittle will be given to your character (  I), cleared it 10 times ( II) and an additional 3 damage option to your character's stats, cleared it 100 times ( III) and an additional 5 damage option to your character's stats, cleared it 500 times ( IV) and an additional 7 damage option to your character's stats, and 1000 times ( V)plus additional 9 damage option.

How to clear The Lake In Dusk?
Basically to clear this dungeoun, eliminate all the monsters and take the path to the gate of zidgris

1. First, find "Wurk" and use your attacking skills to defeat him.(optional)
2. Look for "Radark"  and kill him. Enter to the gate that will be open after he was defeated, and be ready to the next stage of the dugeon.
3. A monster named "Jidarsch" must be eliminated. The gate will tell you(when opened) if you have done it right.
4. There are 5 ruin of dusks in this stage, find and destroy the right one that will open the gate to the next stage. It is the third ruin of dusk from the left when entered to that stage.
5. kill "Fashik" (optional).
6. Kill "Pogarr". They are hidding in the woods. Then go to the next gate.
6. kill "Ballu" and find the gate next to him. If you find "fashik", you can see the spot where "ballu" is located.
7. Then kill "Pirouro" ont the left.
8. On the next stage, get into the highland to get to "Hauk" and kill him.
9. Find and kill "Lehifee" hiding in the woods.
10. Enter to the golem's stage and kill "Erdgusu".
11.After the gate opened you can find "Etuor"on the left and proceed to the next stage after he was eliminated.
   *NOTE: You will notice a still close gate. That was NOT the gate which has been unlocked, It was in the right side.
12.Then kill "Caschnarc" and proceed ahead.
13."Rik" is in the corner of the next  stage. Find and kill him.
14.After "Rik" was killed, go back to the spot where the still lock gate was found in 10.
15.Kill "Haschnarc" and find the way to the next stage.
16.Find the portal that will lead you to the last stage of the dungeoun, "Grischnarc" must first be defeated.
17.Find and kill the minotaurus that will make the gate of zidgris be opened and kill "Zidgris Faello".

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